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Saturday, December 9, 2006

About Me

My name is Jason Randhawa. I am a student from Canada. Currently, I am working towards getting a Medical Degree.

I built this Blog to provide everyone with free information and updates on Awakening and the New Earth transformation.

I have been always fascinated by the many subjects that can fall under metaphysics (philosophy, religion, parapsychology, mysticism, yoga, meditation, ESP, dreams, astrology, self-help studies, positive thinking, reincarnation, etc...).

By the time I was twelve I began to meditate with my dad daily. After a while, it became like a ritual, and something that I had to do. I immediately stopped meditating, even though my father became upset with me.

Then for a while, between ages 14 and 15, I started to read books on wealth, inspiration, self-help, and positive thinking. From here, through a series of books, I was led back to books on spirituality.

For a couple of months I became very religious. I beleived that religion was the answer. Within a few months, I became bored of religion, since it did not resonate with me.

Then, I began to do my own research on spirituality/ metaphysics when I was only 15 years old. From here, I had some amazing experiences. I went to meditation groups, channeling sessions, metaphysical courses, etc...

Since then, I have been able to uncover an amazing amount of information about spiritual metaphysics and the philosophy of metaphysics. I really wanted to share this information with others, and I also wanted to expand upon this information with the help of others. From there, I began to create my website:

Recently, I began to work a book on the subject of the New Earth called "The Future of the New Earth: Ascension or Apocalypse". I began to discover that the New Earth was my true "purpose" and then I created this Blog.

The book will contain “Expert Interviews and Opinions of Cutting Edge Spiritual Seekers, Scientists, Lifelong Learners, Children of the Knowing, and Many More…” It will be availible sometime in Spring 2007. To get the latest information on this book, please check back to this Blog often.

It is my sincere desire that you take full advantage of the wisdom contained in this Blog and in the New Earth updates. I recommend that you Subscribe to this New Earth Blog, and stay updated. Feel encouraged to add your comments, and take part in this growing spiritual community...


Dove3 said...

You might be interested in

Anonymous said...

You may be interested in one of the authors that I work with, Patricia Cori, a leader in the New Age movement. Patricia has a large following and hosts her own radio show. Her new book, The Starseed Dialogues, covers many key concepts in the New Age movement, from 2012 to the importance of sacred sites like Stonehenge.

Anonymous said...

Note: You better hope your ascension doesn't get stuck in the 4th dimension... and that you go on up into at least the 5th, as many will be going to the 8th and beyond. You need to get aquainted with Turtle Woman, Oma. She no longer autowrites, but she just released a regular writing (entitled We Are Honored) which I have given you a url for one of the places where it is posted on the web:

And you might check out David Wilcock's website and watch some of his videos.

A Friend in Being.

Anonymous said...

I used you site on my blog....good information. I hope you get back to your writing...your intent is good as well as your information.


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