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Thursday, March 1, 2007

An Easy Way to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Hello Friend,

As we move into the New Earth our "psychic abilities" will become more apparent to us. We will have access to a greater level of awareness which will naturally allow us to do more.

Begin today to develop your psychic abilities with the following article. The author is unknown, but there is a link at the bottom of this post for the Yahoo Group I found this article in.

An Easy Way to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Before you waste any time wondering if you have any psychic abilities or whether you can actually develop them, let me clear up the issue by saying that you do have psychic abilities and you can easily develop them. Everyone has psychic abilities! The question is how you develop them.

Here's a simple exercise that will help you develop your psychic abilities. With this exercise your goal is to practice using your Spirit abilities to access information that you can't access with your five senses. Here's how you do it:

1. Bring pen, paper and a watch or timer to a very public location that has lots of people. Fast food restaurants, airports or malls are good places to start.

2. Seat yourself in a comfortable location where you can easily write, observe people and see your timer or clock.

3. Pick a person to observe (you will need to observe him or her for 30 seconds). Set your timer for 30 seconds and start writing.

4. Write anything and everything that comes up about that person, whether you can directly observe it or not. It's easier to start by writing what you can observe about the person (such as hair color, clothing, activities and so forth). Don't think about what you are writing and don't allow yourself to pause. Don't worry about whether you're observations are correct or not. Write as much as you can and as fast as you can.

5. Once the 30 seconds is up, pick another person to observe, set your timer and start writing.

6. Observe 10 people during a span of 5 minutes. To give you an example of what you might right, look at the paragraph below:

Man, blond hair, jeans, has kids, mustache, kind, loves sports, likes water, has a brother, works outdoors, in tune with Nature, born in the West or has a connection to the West, nice tan, sneakers, talking with someone, talks with hand gestures, works well with hands, sensitive hands, sensitive nature, enjoys people, likes the color red, wears red a lot, brown eyes, around 40, jazz music, smiles a lot.

You'll notice in the short description above that there are many descriptions that can be seen with the five senses - the color of his hair, the way he talks with his hands, the color of his eyes and his tan. In between, though, are descriptors that can't be seen with the five senses - that he has a brother, he is in tune with Nature, likes the color red and jazz music. Presto! You're using your psychic abilities.

It doesn't matter if any of your descriptions, especially those that are done with Spirit abilities, are actually correct. The goal is to practice accessing information with these abilities. The correctness of your observation will improve with time. Practice this exercise as often as you can - any time you are waiting for a bus, sitting at a restaurant or resting in a public setting. If you don't get out much, you can do the same exercise by turning the volume off your TV and observing the people on TV. The more you practice, the better your psychic abilities will get. Good luck and have fun!

¸,.·´¯`·.»§« Practice a Random Act of Kindness »§«.·´¯`·.,¸

Do you have an effective technique for developing psychic abilities? Leave a comment, and share it with all of us...


1 comment:

Abdul Rahim said...

I do agree with you that everyone has psychic abilities we just need to know how to develop them. What your heart desires is what you usually love to do and this represents your passion. Anything done with passion is like play where the task is accomplished without hesitation. With practice and focus we will be able to be psychic.


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