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Sunday, February 25, 2007

8 Keys for Maintaining Balance During The Shift

Hello Spiritual Seeker,

In the December 2006 Newsletter The Masters shared eight keys for maintaining balance during the shift. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. had such a huge response about this that she thought it would be helpful to publish this as a stand alone.

The Masters said:

"As consciousness shifts, there are certain requirements for those who choose to shift as well. Those requirements are of Universal Law, and cannot be denied. These necessities can be done only from the heart, for if from a mental nature will fail as untruth combative with perceived truth. As considered, these are also keys to the ascension process. They are not that which is new, but that which has always been. Only the perceptions of lack, of less than are new.

These keys are based upon the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, each key being a point of the star. Eight truths which are eternal. Each without the other is only part of the whole, just as you are part of all that is and has ever been."

The Keys are as follows:

We must acknowledgement our self perfection - We are and always have been of the One both in Source and within our Journeys.

Accept the journey for which we have come - why fight the very things which we have come to learn?

Maintain Personal integrity - That truth which is ours amongst all other things, that opportunity which we give ourselves to find the truth within us, not that which we have been conditioned by others to perceive.

Be that which you are, not that which you perceive others would see - You are created of light, of Grace, and of that there cannot be imperfection, only that which is of Spirit. You do not need to improve yourselves, only to acknowledge that which is your God self, your perfect being.

We must acknowledge our value - This is different than accepting perfection. Your value is how you fit within the world within and the exterior world in which you exist. To perceive that your value is greater than another's, or less than someone else's brings you to lack of everything else.

Accept Your Power - You are great and mighty. True Power comes not of ego, but the collective One of our Spirit. True Power is Gentle Power. You are of the light and in its seemingly nebulous construct is the essence from which all things are made. To fear inner power is to suggest that you are less than all other things. In Truth, power is of Grace, not of abusiveness or negative use and your Grace is born of unconditionality. True Power is that which is Love, the intentional living as co-creator from within all opportunities that are offered you.

Take Your value, Your perfection, Your power, Your Grace into your world - In the Now that always is, change only comes from practice of change. What this means is that to effect change we must embody it. You must walk your talk, not hide that which you know. Historically, that which is hidden is viewed as heresy in relation to the accepted norm. To change this, it is to create a new accepted norm with ease and Grace by virtue of your walking within the very light from which you are created.

Love yourselves and touch everyone you encounter with love - As all energy exchanges, what will You accept from others and what will you leave behind? You can see all others as mirrors of yourselves, that their pain also resides somewhere within us, that their joy is in our hearts as well. This is why random acts of kindness make such a difference. How many times have you said "There by the Grace of God go I"? It is true. It has always been so.

(And of course, as we embrace these keys, we must remember to breathe. Our breath serves more than the purpose of oxygenating our body. Our breath clears and nurtures us energetically. Each breath is a cleansing and as weare cleansed, our energy system moves more easily and with greater clarity of communication within the universal consciousness, communicating what our experience is as well as what our experience may be. When we do not breathe because we are tense, our energies compact, becoming more and more sluggish. As a result, our manifestation becomes sluggish or even stalled.)

As always, I am honored, blessed and graced to serve you.

Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey Ph.D., 2007

Spirit Light Resources All rights reserved

Meg may be reached via e-mail or her website: or by mail at: Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD * P.O. Box 250, Cerrillos, NM 87010 * © Dr. Meg BlackburnLosey and Spirit Light Resources 2006 *

Note: Anyone who wishes to publish these Keys on your website may do so with proper credit to me and my web site.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Preparing for the 5th Dimension

Hello Friend,

The New Earth has also been called the "5th World". A big reason for this is because the New Earth is said to exist in the 5th dimension, which is beyond space and time. Today, you will learn how to prepare for 5-D.

Preparing for 5-D
Feb 18, 2007

We are already being mentally and spiritually conditioned for our move physically and permanently into the 5th Dimension.

This is a POSITIVE MESSAGE demonstrating our shifting consciousness which will hopefully encourage anyone reading it.

Imagine a single-celled amoeba or even some type of simple-celled bacterial lifeform. Its consciousness, at its limited state, is purely reactionary. It lives its life concerned with only survival. If the conditions for life exist it reaches out and feeds, and continues to feed until it ingests enough for its DNA to double, then it splits and then there are two feeding until they again split, and continue to live in this linear fashion, continually moving forward (or outward from its original position) until the conditions for feeding cease and it goes dormant (awaiting the next opportunity to feed and divide) or dies. Imagine bacteria in a Petri dish. This is pretty much how it lives and dies. That is, at its most basic, linear 1st Dimensional living and consciousness.

Now imagine an ant or some other more complex lifeform living its entire life on the surface of the earth. It does not l look up and wonder about the clouds or the stars. It is primarily concerned about the propagation of its species. It builds communities and protects, nurtures and thrives, and reacts to conditions in its immediate environment. It seeks shelter from the weather and predators, it farms and raises food and builds. Its understanding of its world is limited to its environment, but does not try to rise above it, control it, or even understand it, or concern itself with the affairs of other species unless it is a matter of territory. Its world is essentially flat and centered on the essentials of continuity. It moves back and forth and does comprehend the idea of width as it relates to territory. When its community is threatened it fights, when its community grows too big it breaks off to form another. Gravity has little effect on it in the sense that,like an ant, it does not perceive UP and DOWN, it only knows back and forth. As long as there is surface it can move. If it has a religious system, it must surely think that humans and other animals are gods since they seem to come out of nowhere and smash them. Their lifeform is so far removed or separated from that of higher forms of life they can’t imagine what life is like outside of living life on a plane (flat surface). This is planar 2nd Dimensional living and consciousness.

Now lets move up the evolutionary ladder to man. We might imagine that there are other lifeforms that consider its environment beyond the simple 2-D concepts, but we can only judge them based on their demonstration of those considerations, such as, intentionally building vehicles that help them traverse beyond their point of origin. As such, we can grant some limited higher consciousness to the animal kingdom, but, for the vast proportion of their life, they are 2-D entities. Even birds, who do exist in the air, still only use the air as a means of getting from point A to point B. So, for them, the air is still just another surface for which they are naturally equipped.

Over the millennia man’s consciousness has slowly shifted from 2-D to 3-D. Man slowly grew out of his fearful belief structure in which his reality was a flat earth where the unknown existed above and below and at the edge of their reality. As Discovery and Invention became part of man’s normal existence, he developed 3rd Dimensional consciousness. Man has added to his natural experience the concept of curiosity. Not just curiosity about where the next meal, shelter or mate might be found, but curiosity simply for the sake of curiosity’s sake. Wonder. Wonder became the separation point form mankind to shift into higher states of consciousness. First man wondered about his environment and why it was the way it was. Man looked up and wondered if he could reach up and touch the sky so he reasoned that if he could climb high enough he should be able to do so, but fear of the unknown told him this was not allowed (Tower of Babel). Man invented classism, sexism, prejudiceand religion to control others within his species. This is living IN THE BOX (within the cube). There were four walls and nothing else, all reality was governed by immutable laws that were a mystery only the clergy of whatever religious superstition and political body could dictate and disseminate. There became two different perspectives on the purpose of mankind’s existence; to simply continue and thrive in an unchanging, fear-based world or to expand and evolve his conscious understanding. These two perspectives fought against each other for millennia. Each tiny step of evolutionary thinking and experimentation and finally general acceptance opened the door to the next, and then the next, ever while fighting against the established conditions of those who supposedly controlled the thinking and actions of the common individual. This was/is our shift into 3rd Dimensional living and consciousness.

So what is 4th Dimensional living and consciousness? For one, moving/thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX is 4-D living and thinking. Recognizing there is something MORE and that it can and should be understood. That is our mind is a living Tesseract or Hypercube capable of expanding and thinking beyond the perceived barriers of physical matter. Another notable way we are already living “subconsciously” within the 4th Dimension. Since the 4th Dimension is presented as “Time” or rather the concept of “non-linear time” or, more correctly, “space-time” we have actually, passively begun to incorporate into our thinking the very idea that time and space are relative to the individual perception. With the invention of writing we have documented our known history, and combined with our imagination and ingenuity we can perceive the past and extrapolate into the future. We see time from both ends of the spectrum, and from any juncture we choose. Not only that, but we have actually, as amass consciousness, CHANGED the past. This is a subtle concept that not many will consider, but it is absolutely true. How have we changed the past? Consider the FACT that mankind literally accepted, beyond doubt, as a species, that the world was flat. That the Sun somehow traversed across the sky and that, for all intents and purposes, the Earth was the center of reality (the universe). There was no other concept of life beyond the known and anything not known or understood was feared. Breaking free of these fear-based superstitions and allowing our innate natural sense of wonder and curiosity to well up and flow forth has moved us well into the 4th Dimension and we haven’t yet fully acknowledged this. Even so, there are constant clues that we have the ability to “think outside the box” and even radically CHANGE the past. Think about it! What once was considered FACT, that the Earth was the center of the Universe is now, accepted on a mass scale to be untrue. There was a time when it was actually forbidden to study the internal structure of the human body and to understand how it worked. People were exiled or even killed for trying to move beyond the established order. We have awakened to the new facts or SHIFTING of our consciousness that the world was NEVER, EVER, EVER, flat, but was always a sphere. Not only that, but that the Earth actually revolves around the Sun. Our understanding and mass consciousness has evolved/shifted beyond 3-D to understanding that things were NEVER the way we once believed and thus the past is forever changed. Some, who are locked into 3-D linear thinking will not comprehend this subtle, yet fantastic concept, but it is the truth. We have changed the past, because we are no longer limited to linear time.

Because the 4th Dimension is both Space AND Time, we are also expanding our consciousness in other ways, such as quantum physics, or more practically, understanding that our Sun is merely a star, one of billions upon billions that actually exists in on small section of our greater galaxy, which, in turn is just one galaxy among billions and billions and billions in the Universe. This is moving us into the 5th Dimension and gravitating our mind to accepting that we are really just one planet of intelligent lifeforms among billions and billions within our galaxy, and that there are potentially other billions of intelligent liferforms outside of our galaxy as well. Not only are we learning to accept, on a mass conscious level this form of thought, but we are accepting that all matter is really just energy… the fact of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is becoming a personal equation for us to all comprehend the existence of life in all of its various potentialities. “Energy equals mass times celeritas (speed of light) squared” or E-mc2. Mass is really just energy in another form. As such we, too, have the potential to change. If we are just energy, and we currently only know what we know now, and recognize that we didn’t know what we know now until we discovered it, we recognize that there is so much more that we have yet to discover. Potentiality and possibility is 5th Dimensional living and consciousness. When we let go of our attachments to only accepting what we can see, feel, hear, touch and taste, and accept that there is as much potential as we are willing to allow, THEN we shift into conscious 5th Dimensional existence. Some interesting consequences or aspects of moving or expanding our consciousness, in a subconscious or unconscious way, are Vertigo & Déjà vu, which are symptomatic of being out of sync with 3D. These are two examples of the disorientating effects of tapping into higher levels of perception while not fullyembracing the concepts of higher dimensional perception.

Paradigm shifts (awakenings, enlightenments, ascensions) occur on an individual and mass scale. The current state of “reality” for Earth’s mass consciousness, however, is a blend of 3rd and 4th Dimensionality. However, on a personal or individual level, many have indeed awakened to a 5-D reality. Becoming fully a 4th Dimensional Human is simply the act BEING in the moment, while migrating to the 5th Dimension is simply the passive action of ALLOWING for any and all potentiality or possibility. No longer struggling to control or maintain or imposing limitations upon yourself or others, but to simply BE & ALLOW.

It is my hope that this message is accepted in the love in which it was intended.


Pholus Aquula Xephyr
"SUNBOWS" -Shift Happens! GET INTUIT!"
We are not human beings on a Spiritual Journey, but rather spiritual beings on a Human Journey"

Saturday, February 17, 2007

All About 2012

Hello Friend,

Here is a great, informative webpage on 2012:

It has some good definitions, helpful graphics, and a lot of 2012 information.

You would really benefit greatly from just skimming through the webpage and reading certain sections,


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Paradigm Shift - Awakened Blog

Hello Friend,

Today, I just noticed there was a new post to the Awakened Blog:

It is about the paradigm shift that is happening as we approach the New Earth. I think you will really like it.

You can read it here:

Radiating Peace and Love for humanity,


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Are you qualified for Ascension?

Qualifications for Ascension by Saint Germain through Aruna Byers.

Aruna Byers is one of the many contributors to the New Earth Ebook I am putting together called "The Future of the New Earth: Ascension or Apocalypse". It is a compilation of expert interviews and opinions on the topic of the New Earth. Aruna's contribution to this book is on "The Relevance of Awakening."

A good sample of her work is the following article on the Qualifications for Ascension:

Many messages have been delivered about meditation, channeling and developing the link to our realm. In all of these messages one of the common denominators has been answering the call of my chelas to help them ascend. Today's message may seem dramatic because not enough of my chelas have given themselves enough credit to consider themselves one of those ascending. Non-awareness cancels this contract, so I am now going to detail all of the reasons ascension can be their next consciousness.

* No conditions of human change can negate the open and active love now delivered from any of them.
* No attitudes of 'mine vs. yours' cancels their ability to give.
* No details of their mental dialog attack others.
* No close encounters with other dimensions create negative attitudes.
* Claims of advanced mastery do not concern them.
* Names and abilities are God's choice, not the choice of their daily mental activity. If a name was taken it came from many causes other than dislike of an existing name.
* Pretense about danger has been cleared.
* Money cancellation has been by initiation, not dark contact. Acceptance of this has been another level of development.
* No details of mass consciousness control their mental decisions.
* Planetary consciousness has gone on to the 5th dimension. My chelas have continued to grow in awareness during this advance.

No dates for ascension can be given yet, as these dates depend on changes in the mass consciousness that are still needed because they make new demands on the non-aligned masters now leading others. Ascension in a group does not activate any control over these changes. This would only delete the more advanced minds from mass consciousness. Put in a more understandable way, as long as mentally clear minds are adding light to man's awareness, their ascension cannot demand that their domain be changed. We need more clarity of heart and mind in all group mind arenas. Take away those that contribute the most open and advanced clarity makes no contribution to the mass.

Politics cannot continue to add negativity to human affairs. Ascension can delete negativity towards mankind's ability to determine man's destiny. Allowing the Bush group no destructive decisions or energy for mass destruction of other countries needs those chelas aware of community consciousness to defeat them.

Please delete all negative mental attitudes towards the men and women being used by the defenders of darkness. May they be cleared of their controllers at once. It is this mental attitude of caring that can change man's destiny to "ascension NOW." Open the door to your heart and only give out aware attitudes that are not derogatory about anyone. 'Pure of heart' means only delivering awareness to the One. It means acting like One God consciousness cannot be divided. In Masters this is always the case.

In the beginning of this New Age of Awareness many concepts about deities of the negative awareness were energized by their abilities with magic and thought transfer. Now these concepts need deleting. Any name with magic or deception ascribed to it must be questioned about its awareness. It's always best to ask only to connect with Christ consciousness. In all cases of channeling, never accept energies to channel that are not able to quickly declare their Christ consciousness. Always ask. An angel or Ascended Master is Christ consciousness. Many using our names are not.

Another misconception about deities not of Christ consciousness is that all are alike in their motivation to contact humans. Not a correct assumption. None of the non-Christ consciousness deities give only because of love. Many desire accolades or their names being famous. Others want to manipulate. My advice is to ONLY connect with Christ consciousness and accept this guidance as accurate. Others are not as capable of being accurate.

Truth is relative. No deity has an accurate ability to deliver answers about Truth because no concepts are true. Play with this next quote: "Truth can only be delivered to a quiet mind, and as the delivery occurs, nothing the mind concludes about Truth can be."

Aruna Byers
Websites: &

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Entertainment for the New Earth

Hello Friend,

Yesterday I was informed of two new spiritual movies set to be released this year.

After movies like "What the Bleep", "The Secret" and "Conversations with God", this type of movie is becoming very popular. This new entertainment is more evidence of the New Earth Transformation.

I believe it is very important to support this New Earth entertainment. So here is information on the movies.

The first one is a personal growth movie called "Pass It On". According to their website this movie will be an interactive motion picture that delves into the questions everyone has been asking for centuries. How do I become Wealthy? What do I do with my ideas? How can someone find their passion? What does it take to truly be Happy?

For more information check out their website:

The second movie is directly related to the New Earth. It is called "Time of the Sixth Sun: A Journey of Awakening".

This film is about the shift in global awareness and transformation of consciousness as we approach 2012. For more information, their website is:

This movement is blooming wonderfully as spirituality and personal growth become more and more a part of our daily lives,


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Accepting Our Vision in Our New Reality

Lady Isis is one of the many contributors to the New Earth Ebook I am putting together, which is scheduled to be released this Spring. She runs the very popular spiritual Ezine "The Light Circle", which I am a subscriber to. Her contribution to the New Earth Ebook is called "Man Is Truly Master of His Own Fate".

Please enjoy this article of hers: "All is in a State of Evolution"

Earth changes are taking place worldwide, as Mother Earth twists, turns and stretches - she is growing and adapting to the vibratory changes just as all life upon and within her is doing. As Mother Earth changes she does it with bursts of energy just as you do.

Do not fear nor fight the earth changes going on. You will be where you are to be when these changes take place as long as you listen to your higher-Self - listen to your inner nudging and follow your heart.

The entire Universe is changing not just planet earth. The communication and the contact so desired between the earth and off earth civilizations will happen, how soon is dependent on mankind. This event alone will cause much change to take place in the world. Belief systems will change radically. It will give people a whole new way of looking at historical events. It will bring unity to the entire universe. Mankind will no longer see himself as the center of the universe - the only intelligent life form in the universe. Racial and religious barriers will come down. Political persecution and control will cease to be. It will not all happen overnight, but it will happen, peace and harmony will reign on earth once more. You must be patient and persevere. All things happen in due time. Nothing happens by accident - all is in Divine Order.

Man has long lived as a totally threatening life form. It is time to mature, to grow out of the tribal warfare mentality. To stop the killing of each other, the destruction, the maiming, the injuring. It is time to stop all the violence in the so-called entertainment industry. It is time to take a stand for what you believe in. To stop teaching the young that violence is the way to handle all disagreements. Can you not see what it has created? Children killing children. Children killing parents. Parents killing children. Children killing themselves. STOP IT NOW!

Those who come from beyond this earth see this. They know that man has long destroyed those things they do not understand. This is why they don't come. Why they don't land upon this planet.

It seems to be a common thread among those who dwell on earth that no one even knows their neighbor unless a catastrophic event takes place, then all are drawn together out of a common need. That is a shame when you think about all that is missed. People must learn to reach out, meet and get to know those who share the same world. Some are doing that now with the technology they have, but many are even using that tool to send fear and misinformation into the world, to create chaos and distruction. People must learn to conquer their fears and stop spreading them to others. Once they become master of their fears their fears will leave them alone. For what you fear you draw near unto yourself. And the truth is...there is NOTHING to fear except fear itself.

All living things upon this planet are mutating, adjusting and adapting to the changes taking place, just as you are. Some are ascending and leaving planet earth for other worlds. All must learn to live in harmony and balance. Every plant, every animal, every bird, every insect - all living things, are trying to teach you what they have to share with you - you must only listen - learn to hear - and then share what you learn with others.

There are many lightworkers on this planet, many beautiful souls trying their best to repair the damage done by those who came before them. Heed the warnings given by all around you. Listen with your heart. Feel with \nyour entire being. See with your inner sight.

Those who come from beyond this earth see this. They know that man has long destroyed those things they do not understand. This is why they don't come. Why they don't land upon this planet.

It seems to be a common thread among those who dwell on earth that no one even knows their neighbor unless a catastrophic event takes place, then all are drawn together out of a common need. That is a shame when you think about all that is missed. People must learn to reach out, meet and get to know those who share the same world. Some are doing that now with the technology they have, but many are even using that tool to send fear and misinformation into the world, to create chaos and distruction. People must learn to conquer their fears and stop spreading them to others. Once they become master of their fears their fears will leave them alone. For what you fear you draw near unto yourself. And the truth is...there is NOTHING to fear except fear itself.

All living things upon this planet are mutating, adjusting and adapting to the changes taking place, just as you are. Some are ascending and leaving planet earth for other worlds. All must learn to live in harmony and balance. Every plant, every animal, every bird, every insect - all living things, are trying to teach you what they have to share with you - you must only listen - learn to hear - and then share what you learn with others.

There are many lightworkers on this planet, many beautiful souls trying their best to repair the damage done by those who came before them. Heed the warnings given by all around you. Listen with your heart. Feel with your entire being. See with your inner sight.

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Are Crop Circles Related to the New Earth Transformation?

Hello Friend,

Many people have linked crop circles with the New Earth. They believe that the crop circles are created by a "higher" race. This "higher" race is believed to be helping us to complete the ascension process.

If this is true, then the crop circle formations contain messages, which supposedly contain information to help us create the New Earth.

I would like to share with you some amazing pictures of the best crop circles of 2006.

Check them out here:

Let me know what you think about these pictures,


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