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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stairway to Heaven by Owen Waters

There is a stairway to heaven. It leads through the heavenly realms of the afterlife and continues even further, all the way to the ultimate state of consciousness from which the universe sprang into existence.

Infinite Being, the ultimate source of all things, created a universe of infinite diversity, of infinite parts of the whole. As humanity, we are the adventurers who projected ourselves into physical experience in order to bring deeper focus into our experience. Our purpose in the physical realm of consciousness is to gain a sharply-defined sense of identity and to grow from there.

The long-term mission of each and every one of us is to gain expanded awareness through life’s experiences until we eventually return to the one God, no longer as curious seekers, but as self-realized, conscious gods.

The steps of the stairway are formed by twelve layers of consciousness. Each step is composed of a different degree of compression of the original consciousness which created the universe.The higher steps are more ethereal, or less compressed, than the lower ones. The lower steps are more compressed, more sharply focused, and more clearly defined than the ones above.

Every step along the stairway is composed of consciousness. Even the physical world, with its apparently physical objects, is really composed of 100% consciousness, projected in a way that appears to be external and solid.

Read the rest here:

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